Nikola Tesla and his Colorado Springs oscillator

Nikola Tesla News

News related to the world's greatest inventor

2012 Richard Hull H.E.A.S. Conference

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The weekend of October 6th, 2012 marked the 22nd annual High Energy Amateur Scientists conference (formerly known as the Tesla Coil Builders of Richmond [T.C.B.O.R.] Teslathon) hosted by Richard Hull in Richmond, Virginia.

Phillip and I drove up from Alabama on Thursday and stayed until Sunday morning. We both brought our vacuum tube coils this year, as well as my Egg of Columbus. Phillip's Solid State Valve Coil (S.S.V.C.) was one of the highlights of the event. Throwing out 50-inch swords of plasma, it was a real crowd pleaser.

You can see photos from the event and a couple of videos of Phillip's coil in action.

As always, the time with old friends is priceless. Thanks to Richard for another great year.

Cameron Prince
Tesla Universe founder and CEO
