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Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

Legacy: The Life of Nikola Tesla

Every now and then we come across that extra special person who has changed the course of events worldwide. Many times they somehow have been shuffled around in the annals of history and have never been given the accolades they deserve. That extra special person is Nikola Tesla.

The discoverer of alternating current, the father of RADAR, robotics and wireless transmission. Our world owes him much for his visions, his struggles, and his quest to make the world a better place for mankind.

Chapters Include: The Early Years, Dane's Death, A Move to Gospic, Nikola Is Very Sick, Working, Tesla and Westinghouse, Disaster Strikes, Worldwide Recognition, The Johnsons' House Party, Wardenclyffe Broadcasting, Controversial Issues and Tesla's Financial Crisis.
