Nikola Tesla Books
of nature and subordinating them to human purposes thus increasing immensely the power of man and mankind in order to live more humanly. All that Tesla had done was subordinated to this principal aim. All his experiments in Colorado Springs, dealt with in this-diary, had also been dedicated to this basic aim. Because of the extraordinary dimensions of his experiments , which would be unusual even for present-day experimental work in this field, this diary is not only a valuable historical testimony but also an inexhaustible inspiration for further research even when some mistakes are spotted. Tesla was so ingenious and devoted to his indefatigable search for new knowledge that he could permit his little errors to feed all kinds of small-minded people who learned how to calculate well but could never learn to seek for new ways of knowledge because they didn't have a creative gift.
Preliminary arrangements to prepare this diary for publication required a lot of time, effort and collaborators. The Nikola Tesla Museum thanks them all and especially the author of the commentaries, Prof. Aleksandar MarinÄiÄ.
By publishing this diary the Nikola Tesla Museum wishes to mark the 120th anniversary of Tesla's birth, which has been celebrated all over the world, as well as to underline the deep devotion which Tesla felt towards this country where he was born.
Beograd, December 1977