X. This plate illustrates the discharge issuing from the top of the “extra coil”, from the brass ring mentioned before, all over its surface. To produce a more beautiful effect in this instance the switch was thrown in 200 times, but the closure of the circuit was as short as was practicable, only a small fraction of a second, possibly 1/4 or 1/5 of a second. In plates VII, VIII and IX one hundred closures of the switch were made. This photograph is extremely beautiful although the streamers were not so large as in some previous instances. The sparks darting occasionally to the hood rather heighten the effect. The streamers are of fine texture but not quite so as in the plate described under VII. The reason is that the brass ring before mentioned, being of a large diameter, does not permit the streamers to issue from it as readily as the thin wires do and therefore the streamers partake more or less of the nature of sparks, being thicker and more brilliant and bluish white in color at the origin, while the streamers issuing from pointed terminals are of a reddish hue, sometimes quite purple and also less noisy and of feebler luminosity. Owing to their color and small luminosity they do not impress themselves upon the plate as powerfully as the streamers coming from surfaces of a relatively large radius of curvature, which are more or less of a disruptive character, ressembling sparks at the point of issue from the terminal. In this experiment again the vibration of the extra coil was nearly normal, the plate was of the same kind and the exposure to the arc light, as in the previous cases described, about 15 minutes, about half of the light cut off on lens.