Nikola Tesla Books
Books written by or about Nikola Tesla
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XVII. Photograph showing once more the same with three lamps as before, the lamps being placed on black cloth to improve effect. These photographs were taken under the following conditions:
A cord of section equal to that of wire No. 10 was laid on the field in the form of a square of 62' 5" = 749" = 1902.5 cm side, the center of the square being from the center of the primary loop of the oscillator in the laboratory a little over 60 feet = 720" = 1830 cm. The ends of the square were connected to two small condensers joined in multiple and each having a little less than 1/20 mfd.
log 7500 = 3.875061 | Ls = 139,450 cm, or $! {13,945 \over 10^{8}} $! henry |
Tesla: âThe problem of increasing human energyâ, The Cent. Illustr. Mon. Magazine, June 1900, A-109.