Various Tesla book cover images

Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

but does not obtain agreement. Since distributed capacitance increases the effective inductance at frequencies below the natural resonance of the coil, the second possible reason which he mentions (inexactness of the coil dimensions) could have some influence, but the main reason is the poor approximation provided by the formula when applied to a coil with this length: diameter ratio.

September 28

The circuit diagrams are of great interest because they illustrate a new approach to feeding the antenna (now known as shunt feed(73) which obviates the problem of insulating the aerial pole. Unfortunately the explanations Tesla gives are too cryptic to be fully comprehensible. The figures do not clearly show whether the lower terminal of the antenna is grounded or insulated. Tesla’s conclusions that a standing wave is set up along the antenna and that the distance between points of equal potential is half a wavelength are correct.

The frequencies he was using were not high enough for his antennas to work in the manner shown by the figures (in which case they would be much more efficient radiators than he usually had), so that this contribution to the theory of wire antennas was never properly formulated.

September 29

Tesla says that he experimented with the antennas shown in the drawings, but he does not compare them with a grounded antenna.

The shortness of the antennas relative to the wavelength made them inefficient radiators. The configuration shown in Fig. 3 was best probably because it had the greatest terminal capacity, providing the most favourable current distribution on the antenna. Lack of coil and ball dimensions makes it impossible to go into any more detailed analysis of these antennas.

October 3

The drawing of several of the coils which Tesla often used offers some interesting information about the laboratory which cannot be seen from the numerous photographs. One sees that there was a wooden floor raised 30 cm above ground level, and the drawing shows the dimensions of the coils and how the HF transformer of the oscillator was wound.

October 4

Tesla was primarily interested in the change of capacity of a ball with height, so he measured the primary capacity for two elevations of the ball. In both cases he tuned for resonance of a “special coil”. In the first measurement he had LCp1 Lsc Cb1 = 1/ω21 and in the second LCp2 Lsc Cb2 = 1/ω22, where p refers to the primary circuit and b to the ball. These equations neglect the effect of interaction between the primary and secondary. They readily yield Tesla’s equation

$! {Cp_{1} \over Cp_{2}} = {Cb_{1} \over Cb_{2}} $!

The inductance of the primary Lp and of the “special coil” Lsc do not figure in the capacity ratio equation. In deriving this equation all distributed capacitance in the secondary and the secondary coil itself are neglected.



Morrison J.F. and Smith P.H. “The shunt-excited antenna”, Proc. IRE, 1937, v. 25, No. 26.


Lowercase tau - an irrational constant defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, equal to the radian measure of a full turn; approximately 6.283185307 (equal to 2π, or twice the value of π).
A natural rubber material obtained from Palaquium trees, native to South-east Asia. Gutta-percha made possible practical submarine telegraph cables because it was both waterproof and resistant to seawater as well as being thermoplastic. Gutta-percha's use as an electrical insulator was first suggested by Michael Faraday.
The Habirshaw Electric Cable Company, founded in 1886 by William M. Habirshaw in New York City, New York.
The Brown & Sharpe (B & S) Gauge, also known as the American Wire Gauge (AWG), is the American standard for making/ordering metal sheet and wire sizes.
A traditional general-purpose dry cell battery. Invented by the French engineer Georges Leclanché in 1866.
Refers to Manitou Springs, a small town just six miles west of Colorado Springs, and during Tesla's time there, producer of world-renown bottled water from its natural springs.
A French mineral water bottler.
Lowercase delta letter - used to denote: A change in the value of a variable in calculus. A functional derivative in functional calculus. An auxiliary function in calculus, used to rigorously define the limit or continuity of a given function.
America's oldest existing independent manufacturer of wire and cable, founded in 1878.
Lowercase lambda letter which, in physics and engineering, normally represents wavelength.
The lowercase omega letter, which represents angular velocity in physics.