Nikola Tesla Landmarks
Locations related to Nikola Tesla
1326 E Kiowa Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
United States
38.834683245503, -104.80122539006
Colorado Springs Experimental Station
In 1899 Nikola Tesla made his third visit to Colorado and this time stayed for about 6 months in Colorado Springs. He built a laboratory there he called his “Experimental Station” and did some of his most successful and impressive work. The artificial lightning he created while in Colorado held the world's record as the largest ever created for more that 100 years.
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- Nikola Tesla: Colorado Springs Notes, 1899-1900 - Page 427
- Nikola Tesla Historical Marker, Memorial Park, Colorado Springs
- Springs' Tesla Remembered
- Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard
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- November 28th, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to Robert Underwood Johnson
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