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Nikola Tesla content related to X-rays
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The Cosmic Rays

Dr. Tesla Writes of Various Phases of His Discovery. To the Editor of The New York Times: You have given considerable space to the subject of cosmic rays, which seems to have aroused general attention...

Tesla's X-Ray Experiment.

To the Editor of The Sun — Ever since Nikola Tesla died on January 7 I have been wondering where I filed a clipping from some paper of the 1890s which told of his early experiment with Roentgen rays...

Nikola Tesla and the Discovery of X-rays

Maja Hrabak, MD • Ranka Stern Padovan, MD, PhD • Marko Kralik, MD • David Ozretic, MD • Kristina Potocki, MD, PhD Introduction Every radiologist is aware of Nikola Tesla’s research in the field of...

Tesla Describes an Interesting Feature of the X-Ray Radiations

To the Editor of Electrical Review: The following observations, made with bulbs emitting Roentgen radiations, may be of value in throwing additional light upon the nature of these radiations, as well...