Nikola Tesla Books
Colorado Springs
Aug. 16, 1899
Owing to high self-ind. of secondary of W.T. and large ratio of transformation and also great inductive drop in supply transformers (which are poor) of inadequate capacity desirable to work with two circuits as adopted in small size oscillators with mercury break. Various advantages are thereby secured chief of which: double break number, smaller resistance in gaps and increased capacity of W.T. for charging condensers. Connections may be as illustrated in I and II.
This connection shows well with small oscillators provided the short circuit of secondary of supply transformer avoided.
Colorado Springs
Aug. 17, 1899
In the working of transformer as before illustrated I. or II. the short circuit of secondary is an inconvenience which is overcome by having a few teeth at a good distance, but this diminishes the number of breaks which it is practicable to secure. Another way is to adopt a process also successful with small oscillators - of charging the condenser, next disconnecting the same and finally discharging. But this has also the disadvantage of reducing the number of breaks.