Various Tesla book cover images

Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

Colorado Springs

June 4, 1899

Telephony without wires.

General observations:

Senders one impulse
several impulses
for one telephone
Receiver several impulses
one impulse
for one telephone
Form of energy sender Static action Static
Two currents
Cathode rays
Heat rays
Light rays
Cathode mechanical action
Deflection by
mech. displacement
Current action
Rays light
Form of
Magnetic action
Sound action
Instruments to be used Static machine Receiving
suited for
the various
to be worked out
Induction coil
Oscillator single terminal
two terminals
(high frequency)
Condenser Rheostatic. Mach.

Arrangements of circuit etc. to be worked out.


June 4

The basic ideas on wireless energy transmission were explained by Tesla in 1393(6). Starting from the experimental results related to resonant events in the circuit with high frequency currents and energy transmission through one wire, Tesla came to the idea of wireless ("signal, or maybe even power, at any distance without the use of wires") transmission. Plans he showed consisted of the high frequency generator which was connected by one terminal to the ground, and by the other terminal to an elevated metal conductor-antenna. Disturbance caused by the transmitter is emitted around it and at a certain distance it will be able to excite the resonant LC circuit. By this plan Tesla established the foundations of telegraphy with continuous waves(12), and by later experimental works he made the important contributions in this field. Between 1893 and 1897 he received recognition for the series of patents for various types of high frequency generators. Two particularly important patents which are related to wireless energy transmission he submitted on Set. 2, 1897(13,14). One of these patents (No. 645,576 under the title "Electrical Energy Transmission System") consists of detailed explanation of the energy transmission principle by means of extra-ordinary high voltages "of such characteristics and level which enable the current flow through the high elevation atmosphere between source location and remote location where the energy is received and used"(13). Tesla was persistently repeating that this energy transmission method is distinctly different from other transmission methods where the atmosphere properties are used under such conditions that it behaves as an excellent insulator. By "other" methods Tesla considers in the first place the electro-magnetic emissions Hertz(8) experimented with.


Lowercase tau - an irrational constant defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, equal to the radian measure of a full turn; approximately 6.283185307 (equal to 2π, or twice the value of π).
A natural rubber material obtained from Palaquium trees, native to South-east Asia. Gutta-percha made possible practical submarine telegraph cables because it was both waterproof and resistant to seawater as well as being thermoplastic. Gutta-percha's use as an electrical insulator was first suggested by Michael Faraday.
The Habirshaw Electric Cable Company, founded in 1886 by William M. Habirshaw in New York City, New York.
The Brown & Sharpe (B & S) Gauge, also known as the American Wire Gauge (AWG), is the American standard for making/ordering metal sheet and wire sizes.
A traditional general-purpose dry cell battery. Invented by the French engineer Georges Leclanché in 1866.
Refers to Manitou Springs, a small town just six miles west of Colorado Springs, and during Tesla's time there, producer of world-renown bottled water from its natural springs.
A French mineral water bottler.
Lowercase delta letter - used to denote: A change in the value of a variable in calculus. A functional derivative in functional calculus. An auxiliary function in calculus, used to rigorously define the limit or continuity of a given function.
America's oldest existing independent manufacturer of wire and cable, founded in 1878.
Lowercase lambda letter which, in physics and engineering, normally represents wavelength.
The lowercase omega letter, which represents angular velocity in physics.