Nikola Tesla Books
Colorado Springs
July 1, 1899
Various ways of connecting apparatus when applying condenser Method of Magnifying effects. The charging or discharging of the condenser is controlled by the effects transmitted through the media and the condenser discharges are passed through the primary of the oscillatory transformer. The diagrams below show various arrangements with the instruments in the secondary of the transformer.
In these arrangements the primary is not shown. The same is assumed to be connected in the circuit in any way but so that the charging or discharging of the condenser is controlled by a sensitive device affected by the feeble effects which are to be magnified. In the above diagrams S is the secondary of oscillatory transformer, B battery to strain sensitive device in secondary; Aâ sensitive device, R fine relay (magnetic); C condenser in secondary. The primary circuit which is not shown includes: a sensitive device, battery, condenser and make-and-break device. This method with two sensitive devices is very good.
July 1
On schematic, the parts of receiver for registration of signals transmitted by wireless method are shown on the schematics. The complete receiver consists of two sensitive devices, of which the one in primary is not shown. There is a capacitor in the primary, the charging and discharging of which is controlled by signal via "sensitive device". Here Tesla studies the characteristics of either circuits or explains the roll of capacitor "C" in the secondary circuit.