TCBA founder, Harry Goldman and the TCBA logo

TCBA - Tesla Coil Builders Association

Devoted to the construction, operation and theoretical analysis of the Tesla coil

TCBA Volume 20 - Issue 1

Page 8 of 18

Input - Output

Q. I am scanning the TCBA newsletters onto my computer and saving them on CDROM for my own archival purposes. I would like to make the copies available to experimenters. The cost of copying and distributing the CDs would be minimal, maybe $3 per copy. Let me know what you think.

A. Making archival records of TCBA News for “your own” purposes sounds like a fine idea. But I am not at all excited by your intention to sell CD copies to experimenters for $3 (or any other fee).

If you're talking about supplying some youngster with a copy of a specific article on Tesla coils, then it's OK with me as long as you don't charge. I did this, too, long before starting TCBA and I began to wonder “why am I doing this?” The time and funds expended to obtain this information was considerable. After supplying 50-60 free photocopies of Tesla coil information, I began to think about publishing the newsletter.

While you are considering undertaking this entrepreneurship, take into account my position. When TCBA discontinues publishing the newsletter, I will be stuck with and estimated $5000 worth of printed material. It was not my original intention to keep an inventory of back issues. But when the requests began coming in, I decided to order extra copies. This decision was instrumental in my cancelling a plan to enlarge the newsletter to as many as 24 numbered pages. I just couldn't afford to tie up funds for back issues and enlarging the newsletter.

Now, if anyone would like to purchase a complete 20 volumes of TCBA News, the total cost would be $426. Who would choose to make such a purchase when they can get it for $3. And consider the effect that might have on a person's decision to buy TCBA. And once you sell a disc, what's to prevent the buyer from making and selling copies. Furthermore, what if I someday decide to publish a “Best of TCBA NEWS” book?

Believe me when I say that if it were not for the problems mentioned above, I would be honored to think that the TCBA News would continue to circulate after I am no longer involved (or here on earth).

I expect that someone has already begun marketing TCBA News on a CD. It's bound to happen and there is really nothing I can do about it. So, scan on - Don (and may your conscience be your guide).

Q. Looks like we're coming to the end of an era. You have done a great job. Here's a suggestion: How about compiling a roster of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all members who wish to participate and then distribute it with the final issue?

A. There has been an influx of suggestions as to what should be done since I first announced that TCBA would discontinue the newsletter with Volume 20, #4. Here is my suggestion: I'll print your name and address in the newsletter and have all who are interested contact you. Then you can type up the names and addresses and send the list to all participants.

I have no desire to spend more time at this typewriter than is necessary. So let me know if you want to take over the duty of making up a list.