TCBA Volume 6 - Issue 1
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ERRATA - A letter of constructive criticism was received regarding several errors in Volume 5, #4 such as spelling, grammar, awkward phrasing, omissions, and that the staple in the upper corner was at the wrong angle (I don't do the stapling). The letter writer was correct. There were misspelled words, errors in grammar, awkward phrasing, and omissions. TCBA appreciates such criticism and pleads “nolo contendere.” This means that it did happen, it will probably happen again, and that I don't do it on purpose.
I proof read the news about 1/2-dozen times before sending it off to the printer. However, proof reading one's own work is like no proof reading at all. The errors merely blend in as though they were not there. I'll try to reduce the errors to a minimum. As I stated in Volume 1, #1, “Any errors in TCBA NEWS are solely due to my own limitations. Unless you are a purist, please be tolerant.”
THE TMS AND TCBA - I've received a number of letters requesting information about the Tesla Memorial Society or TMS. This is to inform our readers that there is no connection between these two organizations. For more information on the TMS, readers are urged to write to Mr. Nicholas Kosanovich, 453 Martin Road, Lackawanna, NY 14218.
THOR UNVEILED - On October 16th, TCBA member Randy Peterson unveiled an 8.5' tall Tesla coil before the Findlay, Ohio, Radio Club. Randy's Tesla coil, THOR, is aptly named as it is capable of discharges in excess of 7 feet. The outdoor demonstration lasted an hour and those in attendance were given an unforgettable performance.
WESTINGHOUSE TECHNOLOGY - TCBA member Bill Smith of Glen Mills, PA, sent TCBA the April issue of a Westinghouse publication called WESTINGHOUSE TECHNOLOGY. That issue carried the article, “Mr. Tesla Comes To America To Help Mr. Westinghouse Spark a Revolution.” The essay covers the period of Tesla's activities in a.c. power from the years 1881-1896.
NEGATIVE REPORTS - In TCBA NEWS Volume 5, #4, I presented some personal feelings regarding members who, without proper experience, were planning on building high powered Tesla coils. On the heals of that report comes another in which a Tesla coil recently placed on public display provided several observers with painful shocks. Add to this two separate reports of TC builders who were threatened with arrest for disturbing the peace in their respective neighborhoods and you should be able to understand my fears regarding such matters. It will only be a matter of time before TC's begin to receive bad publicity. TC enthusiasts should understand that not everyone is overjoyed at the sight of long lightning-like discharges. The fact of the matter is that most people are deathly afraid of electricity. Let's not be responsible for giving Nikola Tesla and Tesla coils a bad name.
VISITORS - In addition to those who attended the “Unscheduled Convention,” (See Volume 5, #4) TCBA acted as host to several TCBA members and their families. Brandon Carroll, his charming wife, Diane, and their adorable children (Jessica & Heather), stopped off at the TCBA LAB during a trip to New Hampshire. While Brandon and I were manipulating the electrical machines, Jessica was attempting to capture Mitsu, my cat. I couldn't tell which one was getting the worst of the action. Heather was just too young to take it all in and Diane had her hands full keeping the youngster comfortable. Their visit was too short and I hope that they stop in again.
Shortly thereafter, Jeff Mullins and his attractive companion, Tessy, arrived from San Francisco. Jeff and Tessy flew into New York City and planned on driving to Glens Falls. Unfortunately, they were unable to get a car and were forced to take the bus - what a trip! However, the trials and tribulations of the trip were soon forgotten when we got down to the business of creating sparks. Jeff has built some nice coils and is planning on some ambitious projects. Here, again, their stay was too short and I am hoping that another trip east will soon be on their schedule.
THE PLANETARY ASSOCIATION FOR CLEAN ENERGY - TCBA has received an interesting bulletin put out by the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, a group situated in Canada. Their publication carried articles on a variety of topics, one of which was an interesting essay on Tesla. Anyone interested in learning more about this organization should write to Dr. A. Michrowski, President, The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 191 Promenade du Portage / 600, HULL, Quebec J8X 2K6, CANADA (819) 777-9696