TCBA Volume 6 - Issue 1
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“I want to report a recent order for an aluminum toroid that I placed with a TCBA advertiser (Dave Friedman, Volume 5, #3). Not only was the toroid received a beautiful piece of equipment at a reasonable price, but Mr. Friedman kept me advised by letters and even a phone call concerning the status of the shipment. I can recommend Mr. Friedman to other TCBA readers without reservation. I congratulate him on a job well done.” (Steven C. Holmes).
“I greatly appreciated your response to a question I are to be commended for your ability to find all the Tesla related articles...keep up the good work.” (Phil Peterson)
“John J. O'Neill (PRODIGAL GENIUS) was not inhibited in the use of imagination in parts of his life story of Nikola Tesla. I thought the incident describing Mark Twain standing on a mechanical vibrating platform might have been one of them. As you may recall, the action of the vibrating platform forced Twain to have a bowel movement. It was the reading of O'Neill's book that brought me to try placing my large double-handled back massager over my abdomen. It took only 45 seconds to correct a condition of constipation. (name withheld on request).
“I just want you to know that I consider my collection of TCBA NEWS to be my most valuable textbook in this (subject) area. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work.” (Todd Nichols, Clemson University)
“TCBA NEWS is always a breath of fresh air.” (Bruce Torbet)
“You do a heck of a job and I know that everyone is indebted to you for the wealth of information in TCBA NEWS.” (Bill Smith)
I recently read a book that you might find interesting, “The Body Electric” by R.O. Becker and G. Selden, Morrow & Co., NY 1985. Tesla is mentioned on pages 243, 273, and 323.” (Mark House)
“In this day and age of quick changing fads, it's nice to see some things remain the same. Thank you for your continuing excellent work.” (Lou Balint)
“I wish to build a car and I wish to use a Tesla coil to drive the motor. So, I wish to gain a suitable size Tesla coil which will make up to 600 volts DC, 195 kW at 360 amperes but it must be a closed circuit not to broadcast its power with ample safety features safe enough for anyone to operation. And I also wish to gain the closed circuit for a Tesla coil which will make 9300 (to the 14th power) VA at a frequency of 183 kHz and the building plans for an electromagnet which makes 705 (to the 16th power) tons pull on a steel block from 93 feet....” (Editor's note: H - E - L - P!)
“The house we live in was built from the lumber from Tesla's Colorado Springs laboratory. Our neighbor, Ruth Campbell, is 93 and saw the lumber as it was being brought from east Colorado Springs in the early 1900's.” (Tristan Ward)
SALE: SURPLUS ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL APPARATUS, J.B. Electronics, 9518 Grand Ave., Franklin Park, IL 60131 (312) 451-1750 (This firm offers a 20+ pages catalog of various goodies - prices are a bit high)
SALE: POLE TRANSFORMERS in refurbished condition with non PCB oil from 1.5 KVA and up. No order too small. TRAMCO, Rt 3, Box 409, Connelly Springs, NC 28612 (Tip from Ron Carp)
SALE: METALLIZED MYLAR in 10" X 12" sheets (capacitor construction?) and other goodies. JERRYCO, 601 Linden Place, Evanston, IL 60202 (312) 475-8440 (catalog)
SALE: SURPLUS PUBLICATION REPRINTS, TUBES, RADIO PARTS, etc. Antique electronic Supply, 688 W. 1st St., Tempe, AZ 85281 (catalog $2)
SALE: TESLA COIL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, includes 5 plans plus experiments, theory, etc. $15 from B&L SCIENTIFIC, P.O. Box 962, Norco, CA 91760-0962
SALE: ONE COPY OF TOM LEE'S BOOK, HIGH VOLTAGE GENERATION USING AIR-CORE SOLENOIDS. $20 postage paid. Brandon Carroll, 11129 W. Church St., Franklin, WI 53132
SALE: TCBA BUMPERSTICKERS, EMBLEMS, DECALS. We have only a small supply left. $1 per item + $.25 per order (not per item). TCBA, RD3 Box 181, Glens Falls, NY 12801
SALE: TCBA HATS (solid or mesh) in fit-all sizes, $7 postage paid (two for $13, three for $18) TCBA, RD3 Box 181, Glens Falls, NY 12801 (Be sure to specify the type you want)