TCBA Volume 6 - Issue 1
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Tesla BOOK COMPANY SOLD! - TCBA has been informed that the Tesla Book Company of Milbrae, CA, has been sold and will be located at P.O. Box 1685, Ventura, CA 93002 (805) 643-0432. James Feuling of Feuling Engineering is the new owner and will continue to offer titles similar to those carried by the Milbrae operations. The new owner should have the system in operation by the time you read this report. Catalog available for $1.
BIO-ENERGETIC MEDICINE - The World research Foundation Congress of Bio-Energetic Medicine was held in Los Angeles this past November. A scientific roundtable-discussion regarding electromagnetic devices was held by four leading scientists. Practical demonstrations at various frequencies were given. Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom discussed “Biologically Closed Electrical Systems” and claims to have discovered a heretofore unknown universe of electrical activity in the human body.
SO, YOU BELIEVE IN TACHYON ENERGY? - Editor J. Tennenbaum, writing in the May-June, 1985, issue of FUSION magazine explains how some of Tesla's brilliant accomplishments have become mystified by the proponents of Tachyon and Gravity Field energy theories. He blasts such theories as being a fraud.
TOP SECRET - Work at the Sandia National Laboratories on the magnetic containment of fusion energy is going along at top speed. The laboratory has a system which can supply a 9" diameter hydrogen ion beam. Shades of Star Wars!
HIGH FREQUENCY POWER FOR SPACE STATIONS - Future space stations will run on a 400-volt 20 kHz ac power system. There are many advantages to using such circuitry: (1)lower weight, (2)inaudible (no 60 Hz hum), (3)exceptional flexibility, and (4)is compatible with other types of energy systems. It will operate at 75 kW. Not exactly what Tesla envisioned but we're getting closer.
HORN SPEAKER - The October issue of the antique radio publication HORN SPEAKER carried a reprint of an interview with Nikola Tesla which appeared originally in the November, 1922, issue of RADIO NEWS. The article dealt with the many features promised for the future of radio. (P.O. Box 53012, Dallas, TX 75253-0012 (214) 286-1673
GERNSBACK REPRINT - Hands On Electronics magazine has announced the availability of a book containing some of Hugo Gernsback's April Fool articles. Although Gernsback wrote them as a joke, many of his readers bit on them “hook, line, and sinker.” Send $12 plus $2.75 to Hands On Electronics Bookstore, Reprint Department, P.O. Box 4079, Farmingdale, NY 11735
TCBA NEWS, FREE - TCBA will extend your subscription by one issue for every new member you bring in. Bring in 4 new members and get a one year subscription at no cost. However, I must be informed if you have influenced or sponsored someone into joining TCBA. Several new memberships have been purchased without any reference to a sponsor. Anyone bringing in a new member is notified by postcard. If you don't get this notice then it means I have no information regarding your part in bringing in the new member. Incidentally, I have fact sheets with applications forms free for the asking. We have several members who have not paid for an issue in two years. That's because they either bring in new members, write articles, or both. In addition, some people have been rewarded when contributing pertinent materials to the TCBA library. One member even photocopied an entire book that I had been looking for. If the contribution is of any significance, you'll find me very appreciative.
Dedication - George Westinghouse
from the
Electrical World
(March 21, 1914)
The first impressions are those to which we cling most in later life. I like to think of George Westinghouse as he appeared to me in 1888, when I saw him for the first time. The tremendous potential energy of the man had only in part taken kinetic form, but even to a superficial observer the latent force was manifest. A powerful frame, well proportioned, with every joint in working order, an eye as clear as a crystal, a quick and springy step - he presented a rare example of health and strength. Like a lion in a forest, he breathed deep and with delight the smoky air of his factories. Though past forty then, he still had the enthusiasm of youth. Always smiling, affable and polite, he stood in marked contrast to the rough and ready men I met. Not one word which would have been objectionable, not a gesture which might have offended - one could imagine him as moving in the atmosphere of a court, so perfect was his bearing in manner and speech. And yet no fiercer adversary than Westinghouse could have been found when he was aroused. An athlete in ordinary life, he was transformed into a giant when confronted with difficulties which seemed insurmountable. He enjoyed the struggle and never lost confidence. When others would give up in despair he triumphed. Had he been transferred to another planet with everything against him he would have worked out his salvation. His equipment was such as to make him win easily a position of captain among captains, leader among leaders. His was a wonderful career filled with remarkable achievements. He gave to the world a number of valuable inventions and improvements, created new industries, advanced the mechanical and electrical arts and improved in many ways the conditions of modern life. He was a great pioneer and builder whose work was of far-reaching effect on his time and whose name will live long in the memory of men.
New York. Nikola Tesla.