TCBA Volume 10 - Issue 1
Page 12 of 18
In conclusion it should be realized that in the .5-4kw power range shunted sign type transformers are hard to beat when they are parallel run for power. Their adantages are:
- Line safety (self power limiting)
- Arcs in gap systems are much easier to quench allowing the use of multiple static series gaps to achieve max. energy transfer.
- Easier on capacitors, electrodes and coils.
- Gap criticality reduced as well as cost of construction.
The disadvantages of sign transformers are:
- Space required for large arrays.
- Cost per unit of power may be high if transformers are purchased new or are expensive used units.
- Lots of choke coils and safety gaps are needed to protect each transformer in the system.
- Higher overall impedence makes rf kickback into secondaries more likely especially if a rotary gap or poorly balanced condition exists within the sytem.
Above 4kw very large plate or distribution transformers are more practical and offer some unique advantages. They are:
- Virtually unlimited power available in a single transformer
- Most transformers can be called upon for short bursts of power far exceeding their nameplate ratings.
- Space requirements are small.
- Some very high power low cost deals can be made. (hamfest “boat anchors”)
- In well designed systems sparks are real eye poppers!
Disadvantages involved with non-shunted transformers are many and varied. but must be tolerated to achieve high power in coils. They are:
- Weight- 100lbs. is a very light transformer. The largest can exceed 1/2 ton easily.
- Power requirements. These babies require 220vac special lines usually at 100 amp rating or more! Special electrician installed lines and boxes according to local codes can often offset a “freebie” pole pig savings.
- Arc quenching is difficult and nightmarish.
- Special ballasts or Variac inductors needed can be costly
- Cost and complexity of gap construction can be prohibitive.
A professionally constructed tungsten rotary can cost $600 - A large separate shop, building or outdoor operation is a must!
- High power levels strain capacitors and only the finest need apply here. The cost of construction of suitable capacitors is high due to the increased quality of components required.
- Very dangerous for dabblers, dilitantes and the uninformed. Even pros and old hands treat this power level stuff like the dynamite it is. At this level if you get a shock it may not be your first, but it will probably be your last. BE CAREFUL!
No matter what your final choice on transformer system, gap system or power level, a “harmony”, as Tesla would have said, must exist between the elements of your system. This will assure the most efficient and safe operation of any coil system.