TCBA founder, Harry Goldman and the TCBA logo

TCBA - Tesla Coil Builders Association

Devoted to the construction, operation and theoretical analysis of the Tesla coil

TCBA Volume 13 - Issue 1

Page 2 of 18

News Notes

Left Hip[X], Right Hip[X]

Some of the incoming mail made mention of the early delivery of the October-December issue. The explanation for getting that issue into the mail so early was due to my surgeon. As many of you know, I had a total left hip replacement in August of 1992. My surgeon had scheduled a right hip replacement for September of 1993. I knew that I would be unable to work on the current January issue for quite some time. Therefore, I distributed the September issue early and began working on the January issue prior to entering the hospital. Right now, the pain is gone and I am looking forward to returning to a more active life. Is there a Tesla coil in my future?

Charley Muller's Gift

My eyes were heavy as I entered the post operation room. I managed to blink them open just enough to see Ruth sitting at my bedside. A group of nurses were standing around but I wasn't the center of their interest. They seemed to be talking about a device that Ruth had placed on the window heater. It was a small Tesla coil with a blinking bulb on its top. When the nurses inquired about the strange device, Ruth described it as an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) detector. She explained that it would continue to blink as long as EMR density was at a safe level. At unsafe levels, the light would produce a steady glow. Ruth's explanation appeared to satisfy their curiosity and one nurse was heard to say, “I wish we had one of those.” The truth of the matter is that the device was a get-well gift from Charles Muller, an old time electrical engineer who worked in radio communications over 40 years ago.

Editor Praises Readers

I wish to express my appreciation to all who included their membership number when renewing subscriptions to TCBA NEWS. It really helped. In addition, I want to thank all of those who sent get-well wishes. Your cards really helped me through the first week in the hospital. Anyone who has been hospitalized will know that the first few days are the toughest. TCBA certainly is made up of a great group of people.

In the Shadow of Giants

The June issue of TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION, an electrical utilities publication, carried an interesting narrative of the men, inventions, and companies that built the electrical utility industry. Among the personalities who were said to cast a long shadow were Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, Thomson, Stanley, etc. The article is fully illustrated with photos of the men and companies who made their mark in the industry. (tip from W. Clarke Hinkle)

'Our Lady of Darkness'

“Say Franz, did you know that Nicola Tesla, America's other electrical wizard, claimed in his last years to have invented or at least envisaged a device small enough to be smuggled into a building in a dispatch case and left there to shake the building to pieces at a preset time by sympathetic vibrations?” The preceding is taken from the book OUR LADY OF DARKNESS, an Ace Fantasy Books publication authored by Fritz Leiber. (tip from Susan Stoutenberg)

New Energy News

A publication recently received may be of interest to alternative energy enthusiasts. NEW ENERGY NEWS covers the current status of alternate energy including cold fusion, hydrogen energy, space energy, levitation, forums, and conferences. For more information, write to the publication at P.O. Box 58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639. The phone number is (801) 583-6232 or FAX (801) 583-6245.

COSI Volunteer

“Richard Daniels is a soft-spoken man with a warm smile. But he's the kind of guy who can make one's hair stand on end.” That's what the COLUMBUS DISPATCH for August 4 said of TCBA member Dick Daniels. Dick is a volunteer at the Center of Science & Industry (COSI) in Ohio. Now 84, Daniels has given 10,000 hours of service to the center. He builds, repairs, and demonstrates various scientific instruments. His favorite is the vacuum tube Tesla coil. Dick is looking forward to COSI's new home where he hopes to tinker with large Tesla coils.

Tesla Corner/Tesla Road

If you happen to be driving by West 40th and 6th Avenue in New York City, keep an eye out for a sign marking Nikola Tesla Corner. On the other hand, if you are driving in the vicinity of Livermore, California, look for Tesla Road. John Ackerman sent in a photo which shows Tesla Road crossing Buena Vista.