TCBA founder, Harry Goldman and the TCBA logo

TCBA - Tesla Coil Builders Association

Devoted to the construction, operation and theoretical analysis of the Tesla coil

TCBA Volume 13 - Issue 1

Page 8 of 18

John O. Foster


It is with deep regret that I inform our readers of the passing of John O. Foster. John was a west coast Tesla coil builder who rubbed elbows with such venerable electricians as Ken Strickfaden, Dick Aurandt (both deceased) as well as numerous other leading California Tesla coil enthusiasts.

John can best be described as a man with a heart of gold. When Ken Strickfaden was in his late years, John made sure that Ken had a place to stay. They were not only close friends but were partners in a special effects business known as THE FOSTRIC FUNOMENA MUSARIUM. Other names applied to their electrical antics were “Nikeno Testric” and “Funtastric.” Judging on the basis of their advertisement (shown below), they must have had a hilarious time demonstrating their “Phenomenarium.” The latter is just one of the humorous titles John and Ken applied to their activities.

John Foster spent 33 years as an administrator in the Los Angeles School District. He retired at age 57 and opened ARande Enterprises as a dealer in surplus industrial instruments and accessories. John was a collector of antique instruments including manometers, spectrometers, oscilloscopes, and other devices which captured his attention. He also experimented with high speed photography as well as Kirlian effects.

Although I never met John face-to-face, we did talk on the phone many times. We hit it off quite well and shared many a good laugh while on the line. He held a treasure trove of technical information and I picked up some neat tips during our conversations. I came to recognize his voice and as soon as he called me by name, I would respond with “Hi Ole Timer.”

John will long be remembered by his family and friends, especially those with whom he mixed in Tesla coil circles. The following page is a photo tribute to John Foster.