Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide
31 1,061,206. Ra 28 Witnesses: હેઠ undwater 73. 62 29 N. TESLA. TURBINE. APPLICATION FILED JAN. 17, 1911. 13 28 77 træ- -fra 19 18 92 23 B 14 MARABBIES 21 0} -64 tvp COLUMBIA PLANOGRAPH CO

866 ∞ O O O Witnesses: R. Diaz Pruitrag wwBohlaber 9 603.049 que tant Fig 2. 20 Fig. 1. Nikola Testa Inventor Byrs Attorneys Herr Page Cooper & they word

82 St દેટ Witnesses: R. Diaz Pruiting hither ther WmBhleber 29 17 19 81 23 12-1 til tib 9k 12 -64 21 tek #but & but Nikola Tesla, Inventor Bynis Attorneys Herr Page Cooper & Hayward 867

868 Lat 414 Print Application Pr misary 23 1911Amendment B N Letter Amendment Letter. Letter G ction. Amendment a copy of af. Die 1/1. and Clippings Rejection DEC 20 1911 Feb 20/12 Kin 10. Letter to

) 1 ...RECEIVED Petition. To the Commissioner of Patents: Your petitioner. •INCE BE Nikola Tesla, a Citizen of the United States, residing at... New York, in the County and State of New York, Post

870 por e per 1( e In the practical application of mechanical power, based on the use of a fluid as the vehicle of energy, it has been demonstrated that, in order to attain the highest economy, the

C T 1 } } 9071 a peculiar impediment known as "lateral" or "skin resistance", which is two-fold, one arising from the shock of the fluid against the asperities of the solid substance, the other from

872 Sub. 56 9072 discovery above set forth, so far as it bears on the use of fluids as active agents, as distinguished from the applications of the same to the propulsion or compression of fluids; but

) J Sub l 9073 An understanding of the principle embodied in this device will be gained from the following description of its mode of operation Power being applied to the shaft and the runner set in

874 Sub. per C 11 9074 effective speed. For this reason, the performance of such machines augments at an exceedingly high rate with the increase of their size and speed of revolution. The dimensions

1 ( J 62 9075 Owing to a number of causes affecting the performance, it is difficult to frame a precise rule which would be generally applicable, but it may be stated that within certain limits, and

876 0,4 Erased per @ 9076 in the propelled machine a great torque is always desirable, this calling for an increased number of disks and smaller distance or separation, while in the propelling machine

1 T valves 29, tral ring one of the valves being normally closed. of Coperation With the exception of certain particulars, which will be hereinafter elucidated, the mode of oper stood from the

878 per C 9078 absorbing the energy of kinetic momentum of the particles as they whirl, with continuously decreasing speed, to the exhaust. The above description of the operation, I may add, is

58 9079 may be obtained in many other ways by specially designed valves, ports or nozzles for reversing the flow, the description of which is omitted here in the interest of simplicity and clearness

880 9080 be understood by those skilled in the art. Irrespective of its bearing on economy, this tendency which is, to a degree, common to motors of the above description, is of special advantage in

T 1 V Stib A ✓ V 7er 73 red ou VB hat I claim is: 9081 I. The method of deriving energy from a fluid under pressure, which consists in admitting the fluid to the peripheral portion of a rotably

882 V 6. The method of deriving energy from a fluid under pressure which consists in directing it upon peripheral portions of rotably arranged disks, causing it to flow between the same, under the

V V # V.... 9083 in natural curved paths from the peripheral towards the central portion of a rotable system, as set forth. 9. The method of deriving energy from a fluid under pressure which consists

884 Erased per 13 Erased pew a . per a 9084 center of the same, under the combined influence of radial and tangential forces, in a curved path of least relative velocity, and propelling the rotor by

V mounted on a shaft and open at or near the same, an inclosing casing with a peripheral inlet or inlets, in the plane of the disks, and an outlet or outlets in its central portion, as described. 3.8

886 انستم disks having plane surfaces and mounted at intervals on a central shaft, and formed with openings near their centers, and means for a dmitting the propelling fluid into the spaces between

Div.18. Room 325 Address only "The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 3-200 R/Q₂ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE WASHINGTON Reynolds, The claims are all

888 Enased feer 13 ✓ U.S. Pate it! O Div. 18, Room 325. TENT In the matter of the application of Nikola Tesla, filed January 17, 1911, Serial No. 603,049, Subject: Rotary Engines & Turbines. DEC 2 1 1

sented, we would state that we have omitted a number of the method claims for the reason that they are regarded as unnecessary to a full protection of the invention, being mainly, different forms of

890 blance in the drawing, for a device having a different function or mode of operation from the first and second forms named, and as apparently suggestive of the Tesla principle, and we therefore

( 1 Confining our attention to this one of the many radical distinctions between Winkler and Tesla, it is at once evident that in the former there can be no appreciable effect or operIn Tesla's

892 across limited arcs of the disks from an inlet port to an outlet port in direct line therewith. As the portions of the disks upon which such jets or streams impinge travel in a circle while the

} tioned would involve aradical departure from the construction and relations shown -- an entirely new and different operation and result would follow, something that Winkler never dreamed of and

894 pressure and by the viscosity of such fluid or its resistance to molecular displacement, to impart the energy stored in it to, and thereby move, such body. To effectively and economically carry

1 11 ) ) One of the method claims in suit was as follows: #1. The method of operating electro-magnetic motors having independent energizing circuits, as hersin described, which consists in passing an


100) J 1 J JJD I have made tests on a great number of steam engines for the purpose of determining their power and efficiency, and regard myself as well equipped with theoretical and practical

898 efficiency was remarkably high. The rotor was nine and three quarter inches in diameter and two and one half inches long, and was composed of smooth disks mounted upon a shaft with openings near

JULOODGEDULEDU show Photograph B and that also attached hereto ar d marked "C" the same turbine disconnected from the same pipes. In both of these photographs the reversing nozzle, which is mounted on

900 patent to Thrupp, No.699,636, dated May 6, 1902 or the corresponding British patent No.6422 of 1901, inasmuch as in the latter the conversion of heat into mechanical power takes place in the

JUJUJUE LUDULLULLYLUJ] The 100 HP turbine at the Edison plant, as shown in photographss E and F hereto annexed was used to drive an alternating current genertor through reducing gears, and was

902 RPM. 18000 Effective Load 77 H.P. Gauge pressure at nozzle 176 lbs. Water Consumption per hour. 2700 lbs. Vacuum at Exhaust 21" Steam consumed per H.P.hour 35 lbs. This efficiency of con version

JJLJUD(303UUUULILJUCUJ center through the three openings at both ends into the exhaust chamber. I recognize photographs G and H as showing the two 200 HP turbines installed at the Edison Waterside

904 outer layers in contact with the surfaces of the disks, and which in turn impart power to the rotor. State of New York, ) County of New York. ) Personally appeared before me Fritz Lowenstein, to

DJ LUCIU3LJCICOLLI L JCLUJ GJ The following articles are a part of the file pertaining to the affidavit of Fritz Lowenstein. These articles will be included in the forthcoming publication, Dr. Nikola

906 Div. "The 18 Room Addrms only Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 325 Ruwp 2-260 R/Q DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE WASHINGTON c/o Kerr, Page, Cooper

JLJULJUDJUJEJ CILJ LJ LJ [ MAIL 300M 1912 PATENT U.S. Patent Office, FEB 231912 Division XXIII In the United States Patent office. OFFIC Div. 18, Room 325. In the matter of the application of Nikola

908 18 Div. Room. Addrom only "The Commissioner of Patents, Washingtea, D. C." 325 Nikola Tesla, 2-280 R/Q DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE c/c Kerr, Page, Cooper & Hayward, New

3131 LJLJJ GJ AIL S. Patent Office, MAR 2 1912 Busion XVIII C' 1912 PATEN DOM Division 18, Room 325. Application of Nikola Tesla, filed January 17, 1911, Serial 603,049, for Rotary Engines Turbines

910 10 16, end held in position thereon by a threaded nut 11, a shoulder 12, and intermediate washere 17. The diets have openings 14 adjacent to the shaft and spokes 15, which may be substantielly

JLJLJU 360036303DCDOGDUJUCILI 9090 -3The contion of rotation, and the other radially outward. bined effect of these tangential and centrifugal forces is to propel the fluid with continuously

912 and 24 and insert "adjacent" before fluid, in line 23. Cancel from line 9 on page 8 to line 8 on page 9, inclusive. 9091 On page 10, in the seventh line from the bottom, for "Fig. 3" read "Fig. 1"

31JJJLJCI (33)(JL) 13 1J vanced to account for it may not bo always accepted as the correct one. 9092 With regard to claim 7: We have amended to meet the objection as to form, but we ask that the

914 Div. 18 Addrvee only "The Commissioner of Patrols, Washington, D. C." R Room Nikola Tesla, 325 260 Reynolds. a DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE WASHINGTON 9 Paper No. All

JUJ JUN 15: 1912 OFFI U.S. Patent Office, JUN 17 1912 Division XVIII IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Div. 18, Room 325, In the matter of the application of Nikola Tesle, filed Jan. 17th, 1911

916 Forwarded from Div....18..to Examiner of Interferences. July 1, 1912 R Nikola Tesla, Engines..and..Turbines... Room No.... 325...... ADDRESS ONLY THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS WASHINGTON, D C

r J J J #603,049-------2 Count 3. A rotary engine adapted to be propelled by adhesive and viscous action of a continuously expanding fluid comprising in combination a casing forming a chamber, an

918 #603,049-----3 Count 7. A thermo-dynamic converter, comprising in combination a series of rotatably mounted spaced disks with plane surfaces, an enclosing casing, inlet ports at the peripheral

C Interference No3.502.0...... Name, Nikolo..Tesla,.. Serial No... 603,049... Title,. Filed, Interference with INTERFERENCE. Rotary Engines.. and. Turbines. Jan. 17, 1911. -079. Primary Examiner, Ex'r

920 Div.13. Room Addrem only "The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." R 325 e C-2131 2-201 Nikola Tesla, Care Kerr, Page Cooper and Hayward, New York, N. Y. Reynolds. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF

S ) T U.S. Patent Office, NOV 27 1912 Division XVIII In the United States Patent Office. Division 18, Room 325. In the Metter of the Application of Nikola Tesla, filed January 17, 1911, Serial No. 603

922 U.S. Patent Office, NOV 29 1912 Division XVI Div. 18, Room 325, Application of Nikola Tesla, Ser. No. 603,049, filed January 17th, 1911. Rotary Engines and Turbines. Hon. Commissioner of Patents