TCBA Volume 3 - Issue 1
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Classified Advertising
SALE: Energy Storage Capacitors, 50,000 volt at 1/2 mfd., $25. Walter Nass, Rte. 3, Box 505 Escondido, CA 92025.
SALE: Cardboard tubes, 6 1/2" diameter, 1/4" wall thickness, 3' long, $4 plus UPS.
Transformer, Westinghouse outdoor type, oil filled, 500 VA @ 120 A.C. input. Output to either 12,000 volts or 16,340 volts. $40 plus UPS. Gary Legel, 1306 Sheppard Drive, Fullerton, CA 92631.
SALE: Secondary Coil Forms, 4" to 18" diameter. Forms come with end plates to adapt to your winding machine. All forms are cut and squared to your specifications. I can also supply end plates with or without electrode posts. (see following for address)
SALE: Services, machine wound secondaries to customer specifications. Rotary gap components. Mail me your requirements for quotation (include an SASE). Ed Angell, 8476 Brier Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90046.(213) 650-8590
SALE: 41 copies of POPULAR SCIENCE (large format) 1924-1946, excellent condition, $82 + UPS. Also have an additional number of copies sent free of charge with purchase of above. Latter are either duplicates or have cover or an article missing. The advertisements alone are worth reading. Harry Goldman, RD3 Box 181, Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801
SALE: Rare book! A Tesla collector's item. “Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony” by Massie and Underhill. Contains a 5-page article by Nikola Tesla, “The Future Of The Wireless Art.” I paid $35 and am asking same (will verify my purchase price to the buyer). Harry Goldman, RD3 Box 181, Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801
A source for nonmetallic bolts in standard sizes (plastic, PVC, etc.) Write TCBA, RD3 Box 181, Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801.
HALTED (pronounced HAL-TED). Another state-of-the-art junkyard, 827 East Sunnyvale, CA. Amid neatly labeled bins can be found debris scattered about like driftwood. No mailing lists (rats). Tip from Pete Lefferts, the Honorary Mayor of Silicon Valley.
FAIR RADIO SALES: Surplus electronic items. Prices vary from moderate an up. Catalog available. P.O. Box 1105, Lima, Ohio 45802.
KERRIGAN LEWIS MFG. CO. This organization mentioned in a previous issue. Can supply double cotton covered wire or double celanese covered wire. Both wound around polyurethane coating. Minimum order $50. Less than $50 order must pay 20% higher price. Double celanese is about 1/2 the cost of double cotton. For price list, write Dennis Kowalski, Kerrigan Lewis Co., 4421 W. Rice St., Chicago, Illinois 60651. Tip from Jerry Ramos.
C&H Sales Co., P.O. Box 5356, Pasadena, CA 91107. Catalog. Tip from Tom Culnan.
Airborne Sales Co., P.O. Box 2727, Dept. C-83A, Culver City, CA 90230. Catalog $1.00. Tip from Tom Culnan.
Pete Lefferts has announced July 7, 1984 as the date for his “UNCONVENTION.” Planned exhibits include Tesla coils (1/2" tall up to giant projects), Kirlian imaging, Jacob's Ladders, Van De Graaff generators, etc. TCBA will give more coverage in future issues. In the meantime, write Pete at 1640 Decker Ave., San Martin, CA 95046
A convention of significant proportions is in the planning stages. A Tesla meeting/conference observing the 100th anniversary of Tesla's arrival in the U.S. will be held in Colorado Springs during the autumn months of 1984. More information will be issued in future issues of TCBA NEWS. Write Pioneers Museum, 215 South Tejon St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (attention Rosemary Hetzler). Also, Frank Hartsell, Computer Sciences Corp., 196 W. Uintah St., Colorado Springs, CO 80904. Wouldn't it be nice if they exhibited a giant Tesla coil? Anyone listening?