TCBA Volume 9 - Issue 1
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SALE: TESLA COIL DESIGN IBM PC (or compatible) Tesla coil design program completes 284 separate calculations and features dozens of built-in “look-up” charts to provide concise and accurate advice for Tesla coil design in the range of 500 watts thru 50 kilowatts with spark discharges from 6 inches thru 40 feet in length. Special discount to registered TCBA members. Resonant Research, Inc. (608) 356-3647
SALE: BOOKS - HARPER'S ELECTRICITY FOR BOYS by J.H. Adams, Harper & Bros., 1907, illustrated. This is a library copy in good++ condition $11.60 ppd. EXPERIMENTAL ELECTRICITY by E. Trevert, Bubier Pub. Co., 1890, near fine condition $10.25 ppd. TELEGRAPHY SELF TAUGHT by Theo A. Edison, Frederick J. Drake & Co., 1902, illustrated (minor notations in front & back of book, otherwise in very good condition). Cover embossed picture of a man at telegraph key. $9.25 ppd. Rev. George Witmer, 310 North Main St. ,Seven Mile, OH 45062
SALE: CAPACITORS (1) 0.25 mfd @ 20 kv and (1) 0.1 mfd @ 10 kv. $25 each or $45 for both plus UPS. Michael Selden, 9534 Gierson Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 882-6172
SALE: TESLA COIL BUILDER PARTS - 0.025 mfd, 35 kv hi-Q energy discharge capacitors, spun aluminum toroids in the following sizes: 5x14, 5x20, and 7x30 inch. Resonant Research, Inc. (608) 356-3647
WANTED: TRANSFORMERS with output of 8 kv to 15 kv @ 1.5 kw and CAPACITORS with ratings of 10 kv to 50 kv in the .001 to .01 mfd range. M. Selden, 9534 Gierson Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 882-6172
WANTED: VARIAC suitable for medium-sized Tesla coil to operate on Australian power supply of 240 volts @ 50 Hz. Please supply price and shipping cost to Australia. Ken Elliott, 1 Woodford Ct., Helensvale QLD 4210 Australia
WANTED: TCBA member who may have a copy of “ELECTRICITY AT HIGH PRESSURES & FREQUENCIES for sale (or able to supply photocopy of same). Ken Elliott (address as above)
SALE: CAPACITORS (2), 5 mfd @ 10 kv, $50 for both plus UPS. Michael Selden, 9534 Gierson Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 882-6172
SALE: DIATHERMY machine, Hogan High Frequency Apparatus, McIntosh Electric Corporation, Chicago, IL. 110 volts at 10 amperes. Catalog #8085, Serial #738, asking $550. HORSESHOE MAGNET, weighs 20 lbs. with about a 200 lb. pull, $60. Contact John Giles, 4714 Pershing Blvd., Kenosha, WI 53142 (414) 658-3160.
SALE: Can fabricate neon tubes, many colors and tubing diameters. Call or write for information. SASE, please. Wendell R. Wyborny, 8703 Wind Rock, Houston, TX 77040 (713) 466-6507 after 6 p.m.
WANTED: Early x-ray, Geisler tubes, and physics demonstration tubes (Crookes, etc.). Same address as above.
SALE: USED TECHNICAL BOOKS, send SASE for list to Cover-To-Cover, Box 687, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
New Members*
Frank Lee | Kenmore, NY |
Alan Durrenberger | Orlando, FL |
Juan M. Ramirez, Jr. | San Antonio, TX |
Ken Elliott | Helensvale, Australia |
S. Merrill Skeist | Plainview, NY |
Frank Baird | Bryn Mawr, PA |
David W. Jones | San Jose, CA |
Ralph Cizmar | Santa Monica, CA |
Colin T. Chambers | Huntington Park, CA |
Dan Smith | Santa Rosa, CA |
Andy Mans | Dallas, TX |
Russ Gurstein | Hayden Lake, ID |
Michael Craft | Centerville, OH |
Warren Burhold | New York City, NY |
Kenneth J. Theisen | Apopka, FL |
Larry T. Cross | Michigan City, IN |
T.S. Bennett | Mountain Center, CA |
John Hughes | Orlando, FL |
Alan Rice | Pasadena, CA |
John M. Wynhausen | Lincoln, NE |
George Palermo | Sarasota, FL |
Mike Speer | Toledo, WA |
T. Shatlan | Baton Rouge, LA |
Lloyd Casement | Whittier, CA |
Frank Roy Bertoldo | Cairns, Australia |
Bruce A. Heller | Concord, CA |
Address Changes/Corrections
Phillip Rembold | Indio, CA |
John Curtin | Quincy, MA |
* As of November 15