Nikola Tesla Books - Page 5 Books written by or about Nikola Tesla Displaying 49 - 60 of 180 Search Author - Any -Aldrich, Lisa J.Allen, W. GordonAnderson, Leland I.Appelbaum, StanleyBarrett, Robert G.Baumgartner, WalterBearden, T. E.Beckhard, Arthur J.Bergstresser, RalphBokšan, SlavkoBoltauzer, B. J.Brody, NormaBulajić, Dr. MilanBurgan, MichaelBylund, Duane A.Campbell, Robert D.Carlson, W. BernardCasteel, SeanCawthorne, NigelČermelj, LavoCheney, MargaretChildress, David HatcherCiurana, EugeneCivrić, ZoricaClark, EmoryCooper, ChristopherCornell, AdamCorso, PhilipCorum, James F.Corum, Kenneth L.Couture, J. H.Coverdale, LindaCox, Durlin (D.C. Cox)Cunningham, Elmer TilingCurtis, Thomas StanleyDakin, H. S.Dommermuth-Costa, CarolDraper, Wanetta W.Echenoz, JeanElswick, StevenEssig, MarkFeigin, Prof. Oleg OrestovichFord, R. 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DavidPerdue, LewisPeterson, Gary L.Petešić, ĆirilPetrović, NikolaPond, DalePoole, MartinPopović, Prof. VojinPopović, Vojislav M.Princi, NatalijaPringle, Todd A.Radojev, VesnaRatzlaff, John T.Rauscher, ElizabethRay, AngelynReynolds, Francis D.Ritchey, Jr., Lloyd F.Robbins, Beth AnnRoberts, L. LeeRusch, ElizabethSanders, StevenŠarboh, SnežanaSchaffranke, Dr. RolfSchneekloth, LyndaScott, K. 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Gingery Publishing LLCDeutscher Verlag für Jugend und VolkDorset PressECW PressEKSMOEnthea PressExecutive Committee for the Celebration of the 120th Anniversary of Nikola Tesla's BirthFrog BooksGalt EngineeringGazette of the Yugoslav Professorial SocietyHarper Collins PublishersHeadline Book PublishingHealth ResearchHigh Energy EnterprisesHigh Voltage PressHoughton Mifflin HarcourtHudson Jade & Steele PublishingImage ComicsIndependently publishedInner Light - Global CommunicationsInternational Tesla SocietyiUniverseJHC EngineeringJoseph E. LebrunJossey-BassJulian MessnerKessinger Publishing, LLCKolmogorov-Smirnov PublishingLa Societe pour la Foundation de l'Institut Nikola TeslaLambda Publishing GroupLawrence Hall of Science, University of California, BerkeleyLerner PublicationsLibrary of CongressLindsay Publications Inc.Living History Press, LLCLulu PressMadras EditoraMatica SerbskaMcGraw HillMerkurMessage CompanyMetroBooksMichaels-VerlagMladinska KnjigaMokelumne Hill PressMorgan Reynolds BooksNikola Tesla MuseumNolitOutskirts PressPenguin GroupPikes Peak Library DistrictPinnacle BooksPocket BooksPrinceton University PressProsvetaRace Point PublishingRandom House, Inc.Rebman CompanyRich and Famous PublishingSage BooksSaucerian BooksSelf PublishedSignature LivesŠkolske NovineSveslovenske Knjižarnica MJ StefanovićTAB BooksTehnička knjigaTesla Book CompanyTesla Engine Builders Association (TEBA)The New PressThe Tesla SocietyThomas Y. Crowell CompanyTurner PublishingTwenty First Century BooksULUPUDUS - The Applied Artists and Designers Association of SerbiaUniversity of BelgradeVillage Press PublicationsVintage BooksVulkan izdavastvoW. W. Norton & CompanyWalker and CompanyWestern New York WaresWilder PublicationsWildside PressWilliam MorrowXlibris CorporationYauza-Eksmo PressYugoslav Society for the Promotion of Scientific Knowledge Category - Any -BiographicalFictionalNew AgeReferenceTechnicalTheoretical Sort by RandomBook publishing dateCategoryDate addedDate updatedRelevance Order AscDesc Executioner's Current: Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and the Invention of the Electric Chair by Richard Moran Nikola Tesla: Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla by Marc J. Seifer Lightning: A Novel by Jean Echenoz and Linda Coverdale Table-Top Lightning: How to Build a Powerful, Compact Tesla Coil by Lloyd F. Ritchey, Jr. The Tesla Testament by Eugene Ciurana Electrical Wizard: Candlewick Biographies: How Nikola Tesla Lit Up the World by Elizabeth Rusch Nikola Tesla - Pictures and Experiences from Childhood and Education by Svetislav Stojanović, Božidar Stojanović, Dušan Stojanović The Tesla Rotating Magnetic Field by Nikola Tesla and Thomas Commerford Martin Tribute to Nikola Tesla, Presented in Articles - Letters - Documents by Prof. Vojin Popović The Five Fists of Science by Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders High Frequency Apparatus by Thomas Stanley Curtis Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page › Last page » Within the Universe Documents Nikola Tesla documents, files and papers. Quotes Profound and insightful quotes by Nikola Tesla. Patents Nikola Tesla held around 200 patents worldwide. Timeline Important moments and events related to Tesla. Articles Nikola Tesla in the press. Images Nikola Tesla image and photo library. Landmarks Locations related to Nikola Tesla. Letters Letters to, from and about Nikola Tesla. Movies and TV Nikola Tesla on the screen.
Executioner's Current: Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and the Invention of the Electric Chair by Richard Moran
Nikola Tesla - Pictures and Experiences from Childhood and Education by Svetislav Stojanović, Božidar Stojanović, Dušan Stojanović