TCBA Volume 11 - Issue 1
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Incoming Mail
“The Corona Coil publication “Modern Tesla Coil Theory” is put together very well...and is well written. The author did very well documenting his research efforts. The photos in the $22 version are great.” (T. Vales)
“I must compliment you on the excellent TCBA NEWS, which has answered many of the nagging guestions I had about Tesla coil construction. The NEWS is informative, entertaining, and very helpful to a rookie Tesla coil builder like myself.” (John Sanderson)
“Here is a hint. I pick up old solenoids and electrodynamic speaker field coils for a song at swaps. Quite often, one or two of them have the right gauge and number of turns needed for a project. Some electrodynamic speaker coils have many thousands of turns of #34 wire with varnished cambric already between layers. Saves a lot of winding.” (Dan Smith)
“Thank you for sending me the 1983 copy of TCBA NEWS which was dedicated to the memory of my grandfather...I spent many hours with my grandfather as he reminisced about building the Tesla coils and his many adventures in operating them.” (George Kaufman III) (Editor's note: Volume 2, #1 was dedicated to George Kaufman)
“Just received Volume 10, #4 issue of TCBA NEWS; great issue! So, there is going to be an increase in subscription rates? That's OK by me as I always felt I was getting something for almost nothing. TCBA NEWS is worth every penny of $24 and then some! (Bill Richards)
“Oliver Lodge's U.S. patent (Volume 10, #4, p.15) on impact excitation (though he probably didn't call it that) was 609,154 issued August 16, 1898...Marconi sued Kilbourne & Clark for building spark transmitters two days before it expired in 1915 (K&C lost).” (Alan Douglas)
“You are doing a GREAT JOB in coordinating Tesla material. Very informative - very enjoyable!” (William Toman)
“I would be interested in knowing if anyone else has used voltage multipliers in power supplies for their coils (and how they have gone about it).” (Roger Smith)
“I understand that renewal will be $24. In my opinion, it's still a good deal. No where else can one find so much data about Tesla coils so easily.” (Chuck Furtak)
“One of the stores in this area is selling a plasma sphere 4 1/2" in diameter for $29.95 called THUNDERBOLT. The instruction book states, 'Its original inventor was Nikola Tesla, a brilliant scientist from the beginning of the electrical frontier....'” (Duane Forte)
“Special Thanks and appreciation to these people for their ongoing efforts, understanding, patience, and sharing their knowledge of what Tesla coils are all about: Richard Aurandt, Bill Wysock, Gary Legel, Lowell Beezley, Jeff Mullins, and Richard Hull (for his fantastic video tapes on Tesla coils covering everything you wanted to know.” (Jeff Radway)
“This (TCBA NEWS) is the best amateur scientific magazine I've ever seen.” (Paul E. Clinco)
WANTED: Demonstration apparatus for educational and entertainment lectures for schools. Please give cost of apparatus you have for sale. Also, your ideas for demonstrations appreciated. Needed are high voltage devices, magnetic and resonance effects to be used with 240 volt mains supply. Pip Proud, RSD 931, Deloraine, Tasmania, Australia 7304
SALE: Transmitting micas with capacitances of .0001 to .0002 mfd at 5 kv AC @ $.50 each. Dorrknob ceramics at .003 mfd, 30 kv @ $6 each. I also have several old (possibly 1920's) Tesla secondaries, $10-15 ea. depending on size. May have more after this adv. appears. Wrtie for list. Dan Smith, 655 Enterprise #41, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-4838
TUBES: Bought, sold, rebuilt. If you are looking for a vacuum tube, have some to sell, or want to have a dud rebuilt, write to Vacuum Tube Industries, 506 N. Warren Ave., Brockton, MA 02401. (tip by Ed Aronson)